Monday, August 11, 2008

My First Real Blog

I started this blog mainly because I realized I was writing way too much on my myspace and that just wasn't the venue for it. I am an actor, or actress if you must be gender specific, and a lot of what I talk about has to do with theatre or is used as examples in what I talk about. I'm also moving in 4 days to San Marcos where I'll be finishing my acting degree at Texas State and so it gives me a place to talk about what's going on so all my friends elsewhere can check up on me or spy or whatever. It'll be a place of randomness some days and others, of all seriousness and maybe give you an idea of why actors are the way we are. It's about how we see life and how the outside world tends to affect us, maybe even introduce the art of theatre into your lives. So, here's going. Ciao!

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